Thursday, September 24, 2009

Can we escape Death? Is Eternal Life an Option?

Death came into the world because we were disconnected from the Tree of Life when we made our free will decision to distrust GOD. So it stands to reason if we connect to God again we can indeed live forever.

He actually made the plan and did all the work for us to reconnect us back to Himself. It is so simple a child can understand it. Death requires blood. ever since God slain the animals to cover Adam and Eve with the skins the blood has been an example in scripture to represent forgiveness and covering our sins.

Anyway animals worked for mankind until the Christ came into the world. He was a one time for all the world kind a sacrifice. His blood is the only thing that can permanently clean anyone who simply believe it. Just believe that He died on the cross for your sins and like that you are forgiven.

It is the only thing required. Nothing can guarantee salvation with confidence like this.

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