Monday, September 21, 2009

Why The Myth of Evolution?

Most highly intelligent minds agree that the theory of evolution, as imaginative as it is, is nothing more than a puffed up and unsupported world view rather than a real scientific effort.
Amazingly our educational system forces this unscientific theory down the throats of unsuspecting innocent minds.

Thank God we have motivated intelligence minds who have actually looked at the scientific evidence and have successfully defeated the illusion of evolution.

I challenge anyone to look at the evidence and show anything that supports it beyond a reasonable doubt..


  1. For me, facts are just theories that have not been disproven YET. The history of man has been riddled with beliefs that are been disproven over time. I am not sure where you think man came from, as I do not know, and anyone who claims to KNOW scares me, as blind faith in religion, in my judgment ,is what has caused most of the conflict and terror man has experienced.

  2. Reason with me for a moment. First, everything we know comes from books written by men. If we look at the credibility of the Bible through a scientific method we will come to find out it is the most preserved and validated book in the World compared to any other work of antiquity. It is far superior in knowledge, prophecy and moral standards.

    Secondly, the design argument is very hard to combat. The amazing intricacy and design of life suggests a creator. There are hundreds of specially set parameters that allow for the existence of man such as gravity, the moon, our distance from the sun and hundreds of others. If any one of them was a fraction unbalanced life as a human would not be possible. The evidence demonstrated not only that there is a God but He took great lengths to create a special universe that would facilitate His finest creatures, human beings.

    If God created the universe for us we can be certain He created us especially for Himself to enjoy. Our purpose in life is to discover, explore and follow the works of God. He is preparing us to manage His creation and create our own universes just like Him. We are His children, those who have been cleaned by the blood o Jesus.

    The only thng that makes sense if we reasonably look at the universe and open our hearts to listen, Good absolutely loves us and died to purify our dark hearts. Anyone who accepts this truth be cleansed and live forever.

  3. I do not think it is reasonable to think everything we know comes from books written by men, especially the bible. Most of what we know today comes from new understandings of how our world works and this is continually changing. Three hundred years ago we all agreed the earth was flat? I agree the bible has some nice stories and for some be a great example of moral standards to live by.
    The design argument? Most scientists agree there have been five mass extinctions. They also believe that over 99% of species that ever lived are now extinct. I agree the beauty and balance of life is amazing and in my judgment is evidence of a divine source, God, Creator, I don’t know what or who our Creator is.
    I think all the world’s religions are MANS best attempt at understanding what life is and where it comes from. Most claim to KNOW the answers and their way of thinking is right and the other religion is wrong. My seeking the answers to questions of life, in my judgment, is found in nature and in seeking ultimate nature of reality.

  4. I continue to challenge anyone to look at the facts. sometimes we have our own love affairs with philosophies to the point we complacently ignore the astronomical data of another compelling possibility.

    Some of the most intelligent men in the world were Christians. It is the most scientifically sound choice out there. The founder of the scientific methods was a Christian, Kevin Bacon; founder of Chemistry, Robert Boyle; Founder of the Computer Charles Babbage, Founder of the telegraph, Samuel Morse; Founder of genetics, Gregor Mendel; founder of maping the brain, Sir Charles Bell; Inventor of calculus, Gottfried W. Leibnitz; Sir Isaac Newton and many more. The scientific evidence is so overwhelming that long time atheists are now turning to believe in at least intelligent design now. Many reasonable minds are seeing the overwhelming truth concerning the Bible and the evidence Jesus actually died and rose again..

    Atheist who became a Christian: wow

    Agnostic who research the evidence:

    Evidence of the resurrection:

    I agree with you about religion. It is man’s invention to find God. However, Pure Christianly is God’s way of coming to man. Only pure Christianly offers man salvation simply by believing in Jesus. All other forms of religions, including false Christianity, man has to do something to become good enough to go to heaven. Jesus did it all on the cross. His blood sets us free from death for whosoever will believe. Wow!!
