Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Proof all Languages Came From the Tower of Babel

Have you ever wondered how we got so many different languages and where they all came from?


I will disclose all the scientific evidence that shows chronologically how all languages and writing systems developed. I will further tie this research into even more amazing historical evidence that can only be found from one accurate trustworthy source. The Torah is one of the oldest compilation of written ancient historical records available to man today. This effort will reveal how, why, and where all the languages and writing systems in the world began, as well as establish and verify the Holy Bible as an indispensable source of human knowledge, understanding and wisdom.

This small document has two short parts to it. Part one discusses the scientific discoveries, progression of languages, the first writing systems and alphabets. Part two elaborates on why the ancient scriptures of the Torah should be considered a reliable resource of information and reveals what this ancient text has to say about this topic.

There is substantial scientific evidence to support the fact that all human languages, writing systems and alphabets emerged simultaneously all around the world, from Europe to Africa and Asia to the Mayan Region, as well as further evidence that clearly discloses the precise details of their origination.

Part 1:

First, let’s take a look at the scientific evidence that suggests all the languages and writing systems originated from one common source by showing and discussing the obvious progression of language and writing development.

Writing systems have been around much longer than any alphabetic systems themselves. The oldest writing systems did not use alphabets, but rather simple markings and pictures that represented the objects and ideas of reference. There are four major writing systems, methods of inscription, that broadly fall into these categories: logographic, syllabic, alphabetic and featural. Because man uses sounds from his mouth to communicate as well as pictures, a writing system that incorporated both pictures and sounds first emerged. This was a logogram system of writing. So figuratively speaking, a triangle could have meant a tree and a square could have meant a house. There was no alphabet yet. This naturally developed into a Syllabic system that combined consonant sounds with vowel sounds. So a symbol like “ > ” could have the sound as our modern “ M ” like when a child tries to say, “ Mama.” These symbols were eventually use to represent the first sound of an entire word. So this same symbol “ > ” would be used to represent every word that started with the “ M ” sound, such as Man, Mountain, etc.. But there was still no alphabet at this time yet.

The logogram system and syllabic system were not able to communicate the growing and intricate needs of a rapidly changing society. This use of dedicated symbols for specific sounds is what lead to more advance alphabetic system. There are the Abjads and the Abugidas kinds of alphabets. One uses the vowel sound and the other doesn’t.

They thought for a long time the earliest writings were from 3000 BC in the Mesopotamia, but newer discoveries reveals that writing was taking place much earlier than that. These inscriptions are of the logogram writing system and have no apparent alphabet yet. Some of the oldest know objects with inscriptions on them, excluding so called primitive caveman art, are the Dispilio Tablet of Europe and a tortoise shell found in China. Dating back into the 6th millennium BC. These dates and inscriptions are still under intense scrutiny and debate. Also discovered are ancient inscriptions on tokens used to keep records of ones property, such as land and cattle, as well as a methods accounting for financial purposes, found in the Mesopotamia region during the time of the Sumerians, 4100-3800 BD. Also there were primitive writings found in Turkmenistan, Asia around 4000 BC. Also, Pakistan and India 3400-3500 BC. Mexico and Mesopotamia were writing around 3000 BC

It was during this time that the first writing systems were beginning to be developed. There seems to be a simultaneous effort in various parts all around the world concentrated to establish a functioning writing system between 4100 and 3000 BC. During this time languages and writing systems proliferated exponentially out of necessity for political advancements, trade and newly forming economies.

(When we take into account the timing of the history of the Tower of Babel dating around 4th century BC recorded in the Torah, these discoveries correspond perfectly. I will discuss this more later.)

The inscriptions and sign of the Sumerians were adopted by the Semitic people of the Mesopotamia 3000 BC. The timing of these discoveries corresponds approximately with the oldest know hieroglyphics dating to 3200 BC, which is still under great debate and scrutiny, where they also discovered a full alphabet. This alphabet in the Egyptian pyramid was developed and recorder long after the pyramids themselves were built and long after the use the logogram system of the early hieroglyphics.

Because societies continued to proliferate in rapidly developing political, legal and economic needs, it is simple to understand how the logogram writing system quickly developed into a more precise alphabetic system. We can make a good estimation based on the scientific evidence we now have to narrow down the most likely timeframe for the first major writing system to develop. We can date the adaptive developments of man’s writing systems and languages somewhere between the 4000 BC inscriptions of the Sumerians and the Proto-Sanaitic writing systems, oldest known alphabetic writing systems at 1900 BC. It also becomes apparent why and how languages and writing systems progressed from a primitive limited form to a higher more sufficient system.

Although there was an alphabet in the Egyptian Pyramids on the hieroglyphics, the date of its origin is debatable, since the dates of the pyramids themselves have become more questionable in the light of newer scientific evidences. The oldest fully functional writing and alphabetic system was used by the Semitic people of the Mesopotamia around 3000 BC. The oldest writing system, with an alphabet are the Proto-Sinaitic. These scripts produce the first and oldest written language to develop called Akkadian. The Proto-Sinaitic scripts split and developed into Canaanite, Middle Egypt and Sinai. Proto- Canaanite is where we get the Hebrew and Phoenician Alphabets.

The Proto-Sinaitic script is presumably the alphabetic script of a number of Middle Bronze Age inscriptions in the Sinai, Middle Egypt, and Canaan. It is ancestral to the Semitic abjads as they developed by the Early Iron Age, and via Phoenician and Aramaic to nearly all modern alphabets. Proto-Sinaitic (named for the inscription corpus at Serabit el-Khadim, Sinai) is the stage of the alphabet at the end of the Middle Bronze Age. During the Late Bronze Age, the script splits into the South Arabian and the Canaanite groups. The latter group is influenced by the Byblos syllabary, evolving into Phoenician proper by 1100 BCE.

The term "Proto-Canaanite is extended to inscriptions of Canaan and Syria, which were thought to date in the Late Bronze Age (13th to 12th century). But, there have been two major discoveries of inscriptions identified as this script, the first in the winter of 1904-1905 in Sinai by Hilda and Flinders Petrie, dated to the mid 19th century BCE, and more recently in 1999 in Middle Egypt by John and Deborah Darnell, dated to the 18th century BC.

Before Alphabetic System:
Europe and china 6000 BC
Agrarian society, Sumerians, 4100-3800 BD
Turkmenistan, Asia around 4000 BC
Pakistan and India 3400-3500 BC
Mexico and Mesopotamia 3000 BC

First written language with an alphabets:
Pakistan and India 3400-3500 BC (Primitive Alphabet)
Egypt Hieroglyphs 3200 BC (Primitive Alphabet)
India dating 2600-1900 BC
Proto- Sinaitic 1900 BC
Proto-Canaanite 1700 BC
Hebrew 1700 BC - Torah 1440 BC
China had writing system around 1500 BC
Crete had writing system 1650-1500 BC
Phoenicians 1300- 1150 BC
Greek 900-750 BC

Concerning the origin of all these various languages and writing systems, it is notably captivating and intellectually arresting to see their sudden simultaneous appearance as scattered in various parts all round the world. To many scientists this sharp and sudden emergence came byway of enormous pressure and necessity, clearly indicating a common proximity of the human condition relating to the imperative needs for writing. What could explain the reason behind this occurrence? Let us take a look deeper into the evidence that is only available through another powerful yet often overlooked resource.

Part 2 the Torah,

The Torah is the oldest reliable ancient historical scripture known to man. It has been commonly misunderstood and overlook, but as of late it is becoming increasingly recognized for its precise historical accuracy making it significantly vital.

The world famous archaeologist, William F. Albright, confirms the reliability of the ancient scriptures, claiming one can not discount the evidence found in these texts, others contend that new evidences are being uncovered all the time validating their historical accuracy. Many other scientists support the Bible for its reliability as a historical document, like professional historians A. N. Sherwin White, who concurs the pinpoint accuracy of the historical details of other closely related ancient scriptures.

And yet others state, that the measures taken to preserve each and every letter of the Torah are astronomically profound, with amazingly intricate and delicately precise methods. No other book in history has been so carefully preserved. It has been around since the beginning of the first ancient writing systems. If we are to trust any ancient writings at all, these historical scriptures must also be seriously considered.

Let’s discuss the precise details, concerning languages and their origination that we find recorded in the ancient scriptures of the Torah.

In the first book, Genesis, You will discover that in the Garden of Eden that man’s life was perfect. The trees and vegetation grew all the fruit and food they could ever need. Animals reproduced on their own and water flowed from a pure river. Everyone shared one mind, thoughts and peaceful spirit living in a paradise on earth.

Because there was perfect unity and utopia, I believe there was no need for written language. The word of God was spoken directly into the mind and spirit of man. Man used 100% of his brain capacity, so I believe telepathy through the spirit was the main method of perfect communication between man and God. There was no need for intricate financial record keeping, trade agreements, property settlements and legal documents. God spoke words to Adam and through faith he believe God and began to grow in knowledge and understanding.

But when man decided to distrust and disobey God, by listening to another source of knowledge, man suddenly fell from this perfect paradise. Difficulties and complications arose and there immediately became a need for a lower level of communication on matters that had never been of any concern before. Man now had to work hard and plant his own vegetation and cultivated the earth. He had to tend the animals and make sure the multiplied properly for his needs. This corresponds perfectly with the most recent common scientific evidence and assumptions concerning the immediate necessity for developing written languages

As the evidence shows, it is common knowledge and opinion of many scientists that written language was facilitated by the increasing needs found in any society; Political expansion, economy, financial records, legal matters, trade agreement, property settlement, recording history, etc., and hence simultaneous appearance of written languages are scattered in various regions all round the world. Let’s take a closer look at the exact detail surrounding the cause of such an explosive event.

In Genesis Chapter 11 we find the unequivocal explanation to this perplexing puzzle of how, why, and where all the languages and writing systems in the world began. After Noah’s ark God told man to go forth and spread out into the world and multiply. Man, again, decided to disobey God and build his own Tower. This was the first advanced civilization to produce a pyramid using spiritual wisdom and understanding provided to them by their gods, which are nothing other than fallen spirit beings, principalities and powers in high places, also referred to as aliens. God was displeased saying. “they all speak one language and nothing is impossible for them. Let us go and confuse their language.” That is why the city was called Babel, because that is where the LORD confused the people with different languages. In this way he scattered them all over the world.

This event made it imperative to create and devise some type of communication systems with one another, even for the most basic of needs; food, shelter and clothing. This is why we see a progression in the writings systems that start with simple pictures, that develop into a more syllabic and consonant sounding system made with simple grunts and blurts, which eventually lead to more complicated alphabetic systems. There are now more than 6000 distinct dialect in the world. It is possible to trace them all back to the beginning.

I have divide the language and writing system progression into three time periods: Pre-Fall of man; Post-fall of man up to Pre-Tower of Babel; and Then Post-tower of Babel.

Pre-Fall of man: No need for writing. Before 4000- 6000BC

Post-fall of man up to Tower of Babel: Basic language limited writing done with carvings and inscription on stones. Use of logograms, 4100-3000 BC

Then Post-tower of Babel: The rapid developments of many more advanced alphabetic systems and a proliferation of many distinct languages, 3000-1900 BC

As mentioned earlier, Pre-Tower of Babel communications were very simple. If there was an alphabetic system at this time there in no real evidence to show for it. I believe their basic mono-language using logograms, pictures and syllabic methods were all they needed to accomplish even their highest ambitions. The whole world spoke one simplistically comprehensive language, which had been immediately developed and established out of necessity after the Fall of Man. It didn’t take long for the first hunting and gathering societies to spring into highly sophisticated intellectual communities capable of building their own empire with the aid of their supernatural guides, that they have been worshiping since the Garden, the very ones that had caused them to fall in begin with. (Genesis Chap. 3) They were also securely establish in a self-sufficient concentrated area, most likely from the African Plains, as the scientific evidence reveals to probably be the most likely path of the distribution of mankind.

The Tower of Babel was the first Tower of its kind, one huge Pyramid built to set up a kingdom for men to be independent of God. Immediately after the Tower of Babel, small clusters of men and families who did had a common understanding of one another gathered to settle in far away lands, taking with them the spiritual and cultural practices of deity worships as well as the knowledge of pyramid construction. That is why we see similar patterns with pyramid structures all over the world, with clear evidence of various deity worship practices. Men practiced the knowledge gained through the Tree of Good and Evil inherited from the Garden of Eden, but that is another topic for later. I also believe this is where we get the myths about Atlantis, the lost advanced ancient civilization is nothing more than ancient subconscious memories of the Tower of Babel.

I hope this has been piercing and mind opening to those who have never considered before how very uniquely practical and vitally important the ancient scriptures of the Bible are.

In conclusion, if you follow and believe the scientific evidence, it doesn’t take very much effort byway of faith to realized the superb unmatched quality of understanding to be gained by studying the Bible.

If we ignored the account recorded in Genesis Chapter 11 we would never fully come to know the origin of all languages and writing systems. We would be left in the dark completely ignorant to this unparallel truth. If we consider the ancient text we will grow in knowledge and wisdom because it reveals exactly how, why, and where all the languages and writing systems in the world began, which is amazingly supported by the evidence. If you have never considered the Bible as a trustworthy reliable source of information before now, maybe it is time you did.